Brera Design District Brera Location is a project by Brera Design District and Studiolabo For Info: +39 02 36638150 -

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  • Brera Design District through the platform Brera Location offers a showcase of temporary locations promotional ads.

    Locations for events, showrooms, temporay stores, non conventional spaces, exclusively for short term rentals in the Brera district, in Milan.
    In addition to these locations there is a showcase of serviced apartments for short term rentals, managed by a qualified company, that guarantees directly the service.

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  • Brera Design District attraverso la piattaforma Brera Location offre una vetrina dedicata ad annunci di location temporanee.

    Location per eventi, show-room, temporary store, spazi non convenzionali esclusivamente per affitti a breve termine nel distretto di Brera, a Milano.
    A queste location si aggiunge una vetrina dedicata ad appartamenti serviti in affitto esclusivamente per brevi periodi gestiti da un operatore qualificato, che garantisce direttamente la gestione e realizzazione del servizio.

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